Vi ses på Stallgatan 7!



Vi ses på Stallgatan 7!

Workshop i

Yiddischsång & Storytelling

Lördag 24/10,  10.00-13.00 Söndag 25/10 10.00 -15.00

Ett unikt tillfälle att under två spännande dagar möta berättaren och sångaren Ben Zimet, en av de stora både inom sång och berättande.

Undervisningen kommer att ske på engelska

Workshopen består av två delar en om berättande med berättelser från Isaac Bashevis Singer, I.L.Peretz,Cholem Aleykhem,Itsik Manger, Chassidic tradition,Ben Zimet.

Yddischsång med sånger av Itsik Manger,Sophie Tucker,Mordekhay Gebirtig och kursdeltagarnas egna sånger.BenZimet

Här kommer en beskrivning i engelska från liknande workshops som Ben Zimet hållit. Innehållet påverkas av deltagarnas nivå och önskemål


Ben Zimet:
A personal,non-academic approach

The programme is divided into two parts:

Rabbi Nakhman of Bratzlav,Isaac Bashevis Singer,
I.L.Peretz,Cholem Aleykhem,Itsik Manger,anonymous tales,
Chassidic tradition,Ben Zimet.


Ben Zimet presents his personal repertoire ,including stories collected from the above sources,and stories from biblical to contemporary times (see  Ben Zimet,« Contes du Yiddishland,«  Editions du Seuil,1992).Detailed workshop discussion of the stories told by Ben Zimet, allowing us to enter more deeply into the yiddish universe and measure the participants’ global comprehension of the world of yiddish.Invitation to tell stories extended to the participants,(every participant,including beginners,is expected to come with some storytelling material of his own.),followed by analysis of their content and of the technical storytelling capacities of each participant,his qualities and weaknesses:physical posture,quality  of the voice.Improvisation capacities will be examined too.Criticism  by the workshop participants themselves, is welcome and necessary.
Collective work on one particular story from Ben Zimet’s repertoire,chosen by the workshop participants. Comments.Criticism.Improvisation.Writing.Every participant is expected to leave with at least one new story in his baggage.

Yiddish song and musical traditions

References:Isa Kremer,Aaron Lebedeff,Theodor Bickel,
Itsik Manger,Sophie Tucker,Mordekhay Gebirtig,Joseph Wolf,Ben Zimet,tradition. presentation of his yiddish repertoire by Ben Zimet,(voice and guitar)with personal comments between each song.The repertoire covers practically every aspect of yiddish popular and religious song as explored by Ben Zimet over a period of 30 years, from traditionals(mostly 18th,19th and 20th century) to chassidic chant,and includes Ben Zimet’s own compositions. Some pieces know to be more ancient(medieval and beyond) will also be sung and discussed.
a detailed discussion with the workshop participants. Each participant is invited to express his own view on what he has heard. Ben Zimet will try to center on:

-the meaning of tradition
-its transmission
-my own personal approach

Then we will turn to musical expression by the participants(sung or with a musical instrument) each according to his capacities,with comments and criticism by the other participants in-between each piece.The participants can be beginners,or more experienced,with a repertoire of their own.The rule here is to be open,attentive and receptive. What is important is to get as quickly as possible to a point where essentials can be said and expressed or,at worst,brought to the attention of the participants.This means that  many preconceived ideas about the subject may stumble,and fall. What Ben Zimet has learned over the years is how little we really know of the subject. That a culture has to be approached with humility,and love,and knowledge. The periods of time and space covered by the songs are not essential in the eyes of Ben Zimet. The workshop is not academic,but based on his experience over the years,and feeling -going,or trying to go,to the roots. Every participant will be given an honest chance to express hmself. Hopefully,the workshop participants will have time to learn at least one original song or piece of music,(maybe two!)to take home with them.Hopefully too, they will gain new understanding and feeling for this music,and for yiddish culture in general,from the workshop.


Kostnad: 600/500 stud&medl
Anmälan: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 08 407 17 73


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